Retired Members

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Become an MTA and NEA Retired Member Today!

MTA Retired Member Brochure

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We need your knowledge — and your voice.

Membership in MTA Retired and NEA Retired allows you to keep abreast of educational, political and legislative issues and stay involved.

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Take action to pass the Social Security Fairness Act to fully repeal GPO/WEP


Momentum is on our side after the U.S. House passed H.R. 82 – a major step toward repealing the GPO /WEP laws that have unfairly penalized educators and public servants for decades. Now we must get the U.S. Senate to do their part. If we can make that happen, President Biden will sign it and we gain greater retirement dignity for thousands of current and future members.

Take Action

retiree speaker series

Watch recordings of previous Retiree Speaker events


January 08 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Media and Bias
March 05 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Dignified Retirement

MTA & NEA Retired and Pre-Retired Membership

Your membership in MTA Retired and NEA Retired gives you the ability to keep abreast of educational, political and legislative issues and to be directly involved in the shaping of education.

If you have questions about membership criteria, contact MTA Retired Member Organizer Lisa Lemieux, (617) 878-8206 or email her at

Planning for Retirement

MTA retirement consultants in all regions of the state are available to help members with retirement planning questions.

Learn More

Helpful Contact Information for Retirees
Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement System (MTRS) State Board of Retirement

On the web:

MTRS Headquarters
500 Rutherford Avenue, Suite 210
Charlestown, MA 02129-1628

MTRS Western Office
One Monarch Place, Suite 510
Springfield, MA 01144-4028

On the web:

Boston Office
One Ashburton Place, Suite 1219
Boston, MA 02108

Springfield Office
463 Dwight Street, Room 109
Springfield, MA 01103